Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fwd: Police Action and Criminal Charges - 'Yahoo! Mail'

Both my husband and I have taken turns serving on council. In 2003, the year Larry was on council, he found that there was little or no opportunity to vote or make decisions on matters addressed to council as management did not present them to the meeting. I found the same thing was true the year I was on council in 2001.

I don't think this was the idea of the good people volunteering on council. I could be wrong, but I think it has more to do with strata manager's relationship with the council presidents.

I base this conclusion on strata meetings that seem more like information meetings than meetings of a deliberative assembly; as well as a historical review of motions (and more importantly, the lack of motions) in the minutes of strata council meetings. I have witnessed this same style of management at council meetings that I have attended either as a member of council or as an observer.

Non-disclosure and oppression of interested owners became a far more serious problem during the years surrounding the building envelope project - and from the inherited policy asking owners to leave their correspondence in an outside mailbox - and not to send it to the strata manager where it must be filed in the records of the strata corporation - this could be a continuing trend.
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Material I delivered into the strata council mailbox with associated requests was not distributed to members of council and disappeared from the strata records without a trace. When I checked the strata council mailbox I saw that material I delivered to it was not picked up, at least not in a timely manner. Email from owners was not accepted either, according to council. Council repeatedly advised owners not to send correspondence to the strata manager. It is as if records of delivery, distribution, and content must be avoided. Even if email messages are deleted by the receiver in violation of strata legislation, at least the sender has a record proving they were sent, instead of nothing at all.

Mr. Mac made truly frightening threats and false accusations against me when I emailed a report on ventilation that had previously disappeared from the strata council mailbox. This conduct was so shocking and alarming that I felt obliged to forward that email on to all 9 owners that I had email addresses for as a warning of what was going on.

I have reproduced it below for 3 reasons:
  1. owners may be ignorant - as Mr. Mac claims - however, ignorance has been wrongfully imposed, and owner attempts to investigate, participate, or find decisions voted on and recorded in the minutes are met with threats, accusations, and attacks of this kind, or worse;
  2. the damage suffered from defamation and abuse is ongoing and increasingly serious; and
  3. I have learned that censorship, bullying, and fraudulent claims must be exposed if abusive practices are to ever stop.
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Police Action and Criminal Charges

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From what I know, it is my understanding that one of the 9 owners that I shared Mr. Mac's email message with attached this bulletin to it, and together with a couple of other owners, circulated it around the complex. Even though it didn't seem to make much difference - it was good to see that there were others who cared enough to at least try to participate.

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